Hello folks, and welcome to my website!
If you like a bit of weird and wonderful, then you've come to the right place. My name is Lillyanne and I'm a Psychic Medium. A true miracle, extraordinary, astonishing they'd say. Well, I don't know about any of that folks; for me, this is completely normal. I've never known anything different, and my ‘gift' is just part of what makes me, well… me! I believe I was put on this earth for a reason; I was put here to be a mum, I was put here to fall in love, and I was put here to pass on messages from loved ones in the spirit world.
I love making people smile, offering hope, and creating happiness. I'm making people happy. How great is that? That's my job! Supported by a wonderful team of readers, we can offer you readings by phone, text, email, or even IM chat. Whether you're hoping for a message from a loved one who's passed, a reading on your love life, or maybe you'd just like a tarot reading, then we are here to help. By all means, have a nosy around my site, check out every twist and turn, and I have no doubt that you'll find what you're looking for.
'Let the hope you have, light the road you're walking…'